page 16, section 2.5:
Vararg expressions,
denoted by three dots ('...
'), can only be used
when directly inside
a vararg function;
page 18, section 2.8:
Tables and full userdata have individual metatables
(although multiple tables and userdata can share a same table as their metatables);
values of all other types share one single metatable per type.
So, there is one single metatable for all numbers,
one for all strings, etc.
page 25, section 2.10.1:
That is, the first finalizer to be called is the one associated
with the userdata created last in the program.
The userdata itself is freed only in the next garbage-collection cycle.
page 25, section 2.10.2:
The weakness of a table is controlled by the value of the
field of its metatable.
page 30, section 3.6:
Most functions in the API may throw an error,
for instance due to a memory allocation error.
The documentation for each function indicates whether
it can throw errors.
page 34, section 3.7, lua_gc entry:
sets data
as the new value for the step multiplier
page 36, section 3.7, lua_Integer entry:
which is usually the largest signed integral type the machine handles "comfortably".
page 37, section 3.7, before lua_isnumber entry:
int lua_isnone (lua_State *L, int index);
Returns 1 if the given acceptable index is not valid
(that is, it refers to an element outside the current stack),
and 0 otherwise.
int lua_isnoneornil (lua_State *L, int index);
Returns 1 if the given acceptable index is not valid
(that is, it refers to an element outside the current stack)
or if the value at this index is nil,
and 0 otherwise.
page 40, section 3.7, lua_pcall entry:
int lua_pcall (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc);
page 48, section 3.7, lua_Writer entry:
The type of
writer function used by lua_dump
page 59, section 4.1, luaL_checktype entry:
Checks whether the function argument narg
has type t
See lua_type
for the encoding of types for t
page 67, section 5.1, getfenv entry:
page 75, section 5.4, string.format entry:
This function does not accept string values
containing embedded zeros,
except as arguments to the q
page 75, section 5.4, string.gmatch entry:
For this function, a '^
' at the start of a pattern does not
work as an anchor, as this would prevent the iteration.
page 76, section 5.4, string.gsub entry:
x = string.gsub("$name-$%version.tar.gz", "%$(%w+)", t)
page 79, section 5.5, table.concat entry:
Given an array where all elements are strings or numbers, returns
page 83, section 5.7, introduction:
(plus an error message as a second result and a system-dependent error code as a third result)
page 86, section 5.7, file:setvbuf entry:
For the last two cases, size
specifies the size of the buffer, in bytes.
page 87, section 5.8, os.setlocale entry:
If locale
is the empty string,
the current locale is set to an implementation-defined native locale.
If locale
is the string "C
the current locale is set to the standard C locale.