This repository contains some sample Lua programs and extra code and tools for Lua.
All files are distributed under this license.
Here are some sample Lua programs. You can try them online.
-- the first program in every language io.write("Hello world, from ",_VERSION,"!\n")
-- from PiL 1, Chapter 16 Account = {balance = 0} function Account:new (o, name) o = o or {name=name} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function Account:deposit (v) self.balance = self.balance + v end function Account:withdraw (v) if v > self.balance then error("insufficient funds on account " end self.balance = self.balance - v end function Account:show (title) print(title or "",, self.balance) end a = Account:new(nil,"demo") a:show("after creation") a:deposit(1000.00) a:show("after deposit") a:withdraw(100.00) a:show("after withdraw") -- this would raise an error --[[ b = Account:new(nil,"DEMO") b:withdraw(100.00) --]]
-- bisection method for solving non-linear equations delta=1e-6 -- tolerance function bisect(f,a,b,fa,fb) local c=(a+b)/2 io.write(n," c=",c," a=",a," b=",b,"\n") if c==a or c==b or math.abs(a-b)<delta then return c,b-a end n=n+1 local fc=f(c) if fa*fc<0 then return bisect(f,a,c,fa,fc) else return bisect(f,c,b,fc,fb) end end -- find root of f in the inverval [a,b]. needs f(a)*f(b)<0 function solve(f,a,b) n=0 local z,e=bisect(f,a,b,f(a),f(b)) io.write(string.format("after %d steps, root is %.17g with error %.1e, f=%.1e\n",n,z,e,f(z))) end -- our function function f(x) return x*x*x-x-1 end -- find zero in [1,2] solve(f,1,2)
-- show all global variables local seen={} function dump(t,i) seen[t]=true local s={} local n=0 for k in pairs(t) do n=n+1 s[n]=k end table.sort(s) for k,v in ipairs(s) do print(i,v) v=t[v] if type(v)=="table" and not seen[v] then dump(v,i.."\t") end end end dump(_G,"")
-- the sieve of Eratosthenes programmed with coroutines -- typical usage: lua -e N=500 sieve.lua | column -- generate all the numbers from 2 to n function gen (n) return coroutine.wrap(function () for i=2,n do coroutine.yield(i) end end) end -- filter the numbers generated by `g', removing multiples of `p' function filter (p, g) return coroutine.wrap(function () for n in g do if n%p ~= 0 then coroutine.yield(n) end end end) end N=N or 500 -- from command line x = gen(N) -- generate primes up to N while 1 do local n = x() -- pick a number until done if n == nil then break end print(n) -- must be a prime number x = filter(n, x) -- now remove its multiples end
Last update: Mon Dec 2 12:33:22 UTC 2024