Lua Showcase

Lua is used in many products and projects around the world. Here are some highlights. A different selection is shown every day.

VLC Angry Birds World of Warcraft Nmap
The widely used VLC media player is scriptable in Lua. The widely popular game Angry Birds is mostly written in Lua. See a talk by Jaakko Lisalo at the Game Design Expo 2011. Players of World of Warcraft use Lua to customize the game interface. Nmap, a popular tool for network discovery and security auditing, is scriptable with Lua.
Hammerspoon Volvo Celestia GitHub
Hammerspoon is a tool for powerful automation of macOS using Lua scripting. Volvo cars like the V40 Cross Country embed Lua in their combined instrument panel. Celestia is a real-time 3D visualization of space that can be scripted with Lua. GitHub uses Lua scripts in the infrastructure of GitHub Pages, its static site hosting service.